The Mi Arbol Project

The Mi Arbol Project

The Mi Arbol Project

It is really important for K-oba eyewear to offer our customers an eco-friendly, sustainable product that will make them feel great when they make a purchase. 

It’s also very important for us to give something back to our communities.  This is why we have created the Mi Arbol Project.

The Mi Arbol or My Tree Project is an initiative created by the K-oba Eyewear Family where we contribute to the education of deforestation and the planting of trees in deforested areas around the world. 

That is why we have teamed up with the non-profit organization One Tree Planted

Who is One Tree Planted?

Started in 2014, One Tree Planted has more than doubled the number of trees planted year over year. Fast-forward to today, they now work with awesome reforestations partners in North America, South America, Asia, and Africa who help them get trees in the ground to restore forests after fires and floods, create jobs, build communities, and protect habitat for biodiversity.

Why is reforestation important to us? 

Planting new trees can help to reduce the amount of CO2 in the air. Gases like carbon dioxide and methane are major contributors to the changing climates. Reforestation is an effective mitigation strategy to fight global warming.

In addition to benefiting the climate, reforestation helps protect important species of animals. Reforestation helps to rebuild habitats and degradation which are the leading threats to the health of a species.

How does it work? 

Any time you purchase a pair of wooden sunglasses or apparel at K-oba Eyewear you also give back because every pair of sunglasses or apparel sold, plants a tree in deforested areas around the world. 

Would you like to learn more about One Tree Planted and the work they do around the world? Click here to learn more. 


Do you have a question regarding the Mi Arbol Project? Let us know is the comments below. 


  • It’s a very meaningful activity

    grace yang on

  • It’s a very meaningful activity

    zowie sunglasses on

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